Why Did it have to end this way?
I just finished, "and the shadows took him" by Daniel Chacon with a sense of disapointment. I was hoping for a more detailed and explained ending rather than a make you guess ending. Which path was Joey Molina going to follow? Twenty-six year old empanda eating Joey or six year old do everything right Joey. I would be interested to hear anyone elses opinions on which path they think Joey will take.
At first I was hesitant to pick the book up and read it, but once I started reading I couldn't stop. For a novel I was wondering if everything that was being portrayed really does resemble a percentage of Chicano Lifestyle? Do some Mexican families really live like that? Overall I really enjoyed the book it was extremely well written and always kept me interested.
At first I was hesitant to pick the book up and read it, but once I started reading I couldn't stop. For a novel I was wondering if everything that was being portrayed really does resemble a percentage of Chicano Lifestyle? Do some Mexican families really live like that? Overall I really enjoyed the book it was extremely well written and always kept me interested.
I agree with you. I was very upset with the ending. I felt like he rushed to finished the book. Joey took the path of his father. I aslo could not stop reading the book once I started but the ending really disapointed me. We never found out the secret Joey's grilfriend had to tell him. What do you think it was.
I'm with you both. I was so disappointed with the end. Chacon breifly touches on William standing trial for raping Amy and attempted murder of Joey....but what happened? He wrote everything else in the book in such detail, but then just stopped at the end....I'm confused?
Yes, I hope those people who are disappointed with the ending will come on March 28th and pose these questions to the author. Good insights.
Has Joey escaped his father's "clutches"? Will he ever be his own man? Interesing questions that I'm still pondering...
I felt like maybe he had a deadline to meet and had to finish the book fast. I will be there march 28th. We need answers.
I pretty much agree with everyone. While I felt the book was a pretty good read, I did feel like there wasn't any closure to it whatsoever. I don't necessarily think he became his father, but I think he never found himself in all his acting. He didn't know who he was, and he just felt like if he acted out himself, then he wouldn't have to find himself deep down inside. Maybe he was his father, maybe not, but I felt the book needed a better ending just to make me feel more with the characters.
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