assignment #6
I came across something really interesting as I was skimming back over the book getting ready to write my essay. Back toward the beginning of the book when Joey is suppose to be helping his father paint, but is hiding out in the bathroom instead. He looks into the mirror and "he thought he saw a sparkle in his eye, one that was evil, and a smirk on his face, evil, as if his reflection was up to something that would get the real Joey in trouble. He feared the boy in the mirror, because it wasn't him, but someone like him, but with power, someone with the sole intent of ruining his life." I hadn't given this a second thought the first time I read it, but now it struck me with how telling the revelation was. It's as if that is the true birth of "fat boy Molina" and every destructive choice that comes after. It's also interesting how that seems to be the first and last time he really recognizes that destructive force in his life. I know he has later conversations with fat boy, but he doesn't seem to recognize how destructive he is.
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