and the shadows took him Blog
I am working on my Essay #4-for the shadows took him and I want to discuss one of the questions to bring up in the essay.
The question is: Is Rachel a good mother? I think Rachel married young and had no idea how to be a mother-good or bad. Her husband abused her children but not her. She did not protect her children. She stayed with her husband even though he verbally and physically abused his children. He verbally abused her and embarrassed her by messing around with young girls. She finally got fed up and left her husband but after over 20 years of abuse. No, I don't think she was a good mother. She loved her kids but not enough to protect them. They only have their parents to protect them and if they don't who will?
The question is: Is Rachel a good mother? I think Rachel married young and had no idea how to be a mother-good or bad. Her husband abused her children but not her. She did not protect her children. She stayed with her husband even though he verbally and physically abused his children. He verbally abused her and embarrassed her by messing around with young girls. She finally got fed up and left her husband but after over 20 years of abuse. No, I don't think she was a good mother. She loved her kids but not enough to protect them. They only have their parents to protect them and if they don't who will?
I think you are right about Rachel to a certain extent, but over all I lost all respect for her early on in the book. I am a mother, and no man, for any reason, will ever hurt my son. I would be the one on trial for attempted murder!
The primary reason that Rachael was staying with William at a certain point in the book was because she could not support herself and her kids without his income. That is why she was going to school to get a well paying job so she could leave William and his influences. Rachael as a mother cared for her children, she just couldn't do anything to get them away from William. She asked Joey to go with her in the end but he didn't want to. If anything she tried to protect them as much as she could which wasn't enough.
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