Blog #2-Shadows
The uplifting idea conveyed through this novel is no matter how bad the family situation is, people can succeed. Joey came from a poor (in the beginning) and abusive family. He was a leader (he started a gang and became the leader) and he did well in school. He also had a gift, he was a talented actor. He really liked acting and enjoyed the drama crowd. These kids were different from him. They were the "white kids that were going to college". He almost had a split life. He hung with the drama crowd, had a girlfriend, Leah from that crowd. He was well liked and respected from this group. He also had a gang crowd. He was friends with these kids for a long time and they also didn't fit in with the 'white kids". His other girlfriend, Amy was part of this crowd. Although she was white, she was poor and lived in the "wrong side of town". Amy's family was not the typical family. Joey could also compete with the white boys, Randy Abbot and Perry Doyle. I think that Joey envied them because they were everything he wanted to be if he was "a normal white boy". He hated Perry because he was a bigot and a jerk but also envied him because of his popularity at school.
Joey will be a success because he believes in himself and was following his dream.
Joey will be a success because he believes in himself and was following his dream.
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