Thursday, April 19, 2007

Assignment #6 - and the shadows took him blog post

Well, I really had mixed emotions about this book. I have to admit that it really held my attention, as I read it entirely in one weekend, and it’s rare that I do that. There were however, some things about it that really frustrated me. I was very upset about the mother, Rachel, and her inability to follow through with the promises to her children about the abuse. I was also disturbed about the ending of the story, or lack there of. Lastly, What was the significance of the heads? I just didn’t get that.
At first, I really liked Rachel. In the beginning of the story, before the beatings actually take place, she seems to be a very good mother. I was impressed with how she stood up for the children at the restraunt when Joey ordered the most expensive steak, and William becomes irrate. But, as the story progressed and William began to physically harm the boys, I lost all respect for her. She promised Joey, after one beating, that it would never happen again, yet it continuously does. I, as a mother, don’t understand that. I had more respect for her daughter, Vero. She not only stood up to William, but left when he didn’t change the abusive behavior. Rachel just said that William had potential, that the family had potential. No man that beats children has potential.
Next, the ending left far too much to be desired. I thought that Daniel Chacon did an amazing job of describing every detail throughout the book. He illustrates every aspect of every scene. I just don’t understand why not the ending. He states that William is prosecuted for Amy’s rape and attempted murder, but that one sentence wasn’t enough for me. I was left wanting more! Did Joey end up leaving Medford? What about Leah? I really liked Joey with Leah. I felt bad for Amy, but felt the connection with Leah was awesome. I just needed Chacon to tell me what happened. I hate the unknown; maybe a sequel?
The heads! Can someone please explain the heads? I sometimes over-think things and I think that I have done that with this subject. Does William make a head for each person and how he feels about them at the time? Or, maybe there is no significance and it was just what he loved and what was most important to him. Then Joey destroying them and how much he was hurting to have done that to his father.
Overall, this was a very good book. I’m glad that I read it. It brought out some things that I have experienced in my life, and made me face them. Any book that does that; is a good book! Whether or not Joey did leave Medford or Rachel came back for him, it doesn’t really matter. William was locked up for what he did (at least I have to assume so). I will just live believing that it all turned out ok.


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