Friday, April 20, 2007

Is Rachel a good Mother?

Did Rachel was a good mother? I think that Rachel was a good mother because she try to defend her kids when ever William the father try to hit them. Sometimes she was not that good because she did not help her daughter to be a good girl, I'm not saying that she was bad girl but the thing is that she did not encourage her to dress as she suppose to, but of course she encourage her and the other kids to be good in life and to follow their dream.
Another thing that she had is that she wanted the best for her kids by protecting them by anything bad that it will happen to them when they were in the street. Another point that make her to be a good mother is that when one of her kids did something bad, she got so mad that she want it to hit him because she did not want it that not of her kids be bad and be in drugs or even in some problems that it will hurt them. Rachel was a good mother because when ever her kids want it something in her husband did not wanted to give it to them she just give it to them because she wanted it her kids to have everything that she had when she was kid. Another thing that i like of her is that when ever her husband hurt their kids for something innocent they did, she confront him by tell hem that if he ever hurt one of kids again that she will take their kids withe her and that she will never come back. I think that by defending her kids that is what make her to be a good mother because not all the mother do that they just let their husband to hurt their kids even if the kids do not do anything.
Rachel is a good mother because she support their kids with anything that they want to do in life if they want to be a author, or anything that they want to be, she will support them with any decision that they made or what ever they want to do in their life. The thing that Rachel do not aloud in her kid is that they get in a fight because if they fight they will get in trouble with the police or at school. She want for her kids to be good in life in to be some one in life that it will help them to support themselves when their parent are not with them anymore. To be a good mother is just not to give them what ever they want, or to defend them from their father when ever he hurt them, or from a fight they got at school or in the street, or when she goes in talk with them when ever they got in trouble at school. In able to be a good mother they need to be there all the time with their kids when ever they need her. Also she need to love them, and also a good mother give her life for their kids. All this quality Rachel have and that is why it make her to be a good mother because she will give her life for one of her children.


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